This website is created to share stories of covid 19 patients who passed away from the cornavirus.

This site is created from a group of students from the western and eastern region of the U.S. universities

Richard Ho: He lives in Carlsbad,CA and attends CSU San Marcos. He was a Lancer Link, which is an online newspaper journalism team, staff writer writing articles at his high school prior on being a computer science major in college. His major is Computer Science and his minor is mathematics.This is going to be his third year attending CSU San Marcos and will have online classes this fall due to an ongoing covid-19 situation. This is his first hackathon and he was excited on being involved in building a website to help his colleagues and is a contributor of this project.He is a web-developer and creates a website of this project using HTML language with Notepad ++ for this project. .

Macarthur Inbody(Backend/Maps page)Personal Webpage

Mohamed Omane(Web design)Github Profile

Current junior at Union College. I am pursuing an interdepartmental study between Economics and Computer Science. I am interested in human-computer interactions, natural language processing, and applying computer sciences to modern economic and social issues.

Ansh Gwash(App Development)Github Profile

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